From 18 and up to 50 years of almost the 17% of the fairer sex collide with the problem of vaginal dryness, as a minimum, during the love. With age the probability of developing a lack of vaginal lubrication increases only.
One in four women between the ages of 50 and 60 years of age suffers from a lack of this precious liquid, if you make love, and 16% complain that this causes them pain. But what can be caused?

The vaginal secretion
In the norm the vagina should not be dry, its mucosa, and the cervical canal of the uterus and fallopian tubes require constant hydration. Then the vaginal secretion is always present, in any position of women, at any age.
Vaginal (or vaginal) the secret — the result of the work of several glands situated in the prediction of the vagina, in the cervical area of the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. Moreover, even if the vagina glands for the production of lubricants, the composition optimal lubrication is supported with the aid of transudation — penetration liquid part of the blood through the walls of the capillaries and the release in the vaginal cavity. The same trasudato is a white paper (a bit grey) lac viscous liquid with slightly acid or acidic ph (3.0 to 5.0).
Constantly produced vaginal lubrication with an acid ph protects the woman from infection and "washes away" the dead skin epithelial cells, keeping the vagina clean.
Every day the female body produces from 1 to 5 ml of vaginal fluid. This volume varies depending on the state of health of women, phases of her menstrual cycle, sexual activity, and also by the actual quality of the sexual relationship, and other parameters.
To replace the vaginal secretion?
Artificial lubrication to make love are water-based and oil (fat) base. The second should not be used if you plan to use latex condoms, as the oil in lubricants can lead to their breakage. Should not be used as a lubricant, such as vaseline, baby oil or baby creams — even they are not sure. And what exactly is not you must do and use as a lubricant of saliva. In the mouth it inhabits a wide variety of bacteria and fungi, who will be pleased to learn of new areas. Well the vaginal mucosa, dry — the ideal place for their penetration.
The vaginal secretion, slightly transparent, with whitish touch rather colorless. It is interesting to note that his taste is different for each person and can vary when you change your sexual partner. And its texture and flavor change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and may also vary in the process in reality, the sexual relationship:

- follicular phase — the vaginal secret, almost transparent, more liquid, the volume is 1-2 ml per day (on the strip appears as a spot of diameter 2-3 cm), practically odourless or with a very weak acidic odor;
- the phase of ovulation — increases the volume up to 4 ml per day (the size of the point on a strip of 5 cm), increases the deformability, mucosae, may come as a beige solid;
- luteal phase — the secret still more ductile and malleable, kiselevtsy, a tinge of yellowish.
It is important to know: if the vaginal discharge has acquired a remarkable color and aroma — it is time to see a doctor.
The smell is the result of too active life of bacteria and fungi that live in the vagina.
While continuous vaginal dryness, you experience the following symptoms:
- the mucosa thins, the walls lose elasticity, they can start to bleed;
- during sexual intercourse, the woman feels discomfort (itching, burning) or pain, in the cases of itching and burning sensation is also felt outside the city;
- also in the process of excitation, amount of mucus does not increase;
- due to the fact that the urethra is near the vagina, you may experience frequent and painful need to urinate.
If you suddenly the secret was not enough, you must look for the cause of this. We list the most common: some problems are solved alone, while others require a trip to the doctor. The main thing — to orient oneself in the time, what it is in this particular case.
Dehydration is not more rare due to the lack of vaginal secretion in our world, where the fairer sex, sometimes sit fairly rigid diet, and also sometimes in the gym for reasons practise the so-called "drying". To dehydration can also lead actively the consumption of alcohol and prolonged exposure to heat.
The solution of the problem
Review the water regime. In a day and women should drink 2-2,5 liters of water in any form. If you attend the gym, the liquid intake can be higher. If it is desired to reduce the content of water in the body, then you should understand that vaginal dryness is an "alarm bell" of the body, indicating that something is wrong, and are affections of the internal organs. If they really need to harsh measures against himself?
Hormonal imbalance
Sometimes vaginal dryness — a side effect of the natural processes for the body.
Mucus production — the result of the action of the female sex hormones estrogens. If there are not enough, the production of mucus is broken, it develops the vaginal dryness.
The fluctuations in estrogen levels were observed in the following cases:
- age atrophy of the vaginal walls and reduction of the amount produced mucus — usually develops during menopause and is one of its symptoms;
- reduction of the secretion of the glands observed during the period of pregnancy and breast-feeding the child;
- some women complain of a deficiency of vaginal secretion at the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle — really, in this period, the estrogen levels under, but in the standard of a healthy woman should not suffer from drought;
- all other conditions and diseases, which reduces the level of estrogen in the body.
The solution of the problem
The estrogen deficiency is treated its introduction from the outside. This is done with the help of vaginal rings containing estrogen vaginal cream with estrogen or the estrogen tablet which is inserted into the vagina. Of course, all of these methods to combat dryness should prescribe the doctor.
The funds are there contraindications. For example, may not be assigned to women with a diagnosis of breast cancer or cancer of the endometrium, patients with vaginal bleeding, women who are pregnant and breastfeeding to young mothers.
Many medications resulting in a reduction of the production of vaginal secretion. For example, the most common, oral contraceptives based on progesterone can cause vaginal dryness.
This list also includes drugs that inhibit the production of estrogen:
- cardiovascular drugs,
- antihypertensive drugs (to reduce pressure),
- antidepressants,
- diuretics,
- antihistamines, and drugs also have anti-estrogenic (for the treatment of fibroids or endometriosis), etc.

The solution of the problem
If the cause of the dryness is a medicine, it is necessary to specify how much time I have to take. Usually the production of secret is restored after a short period of time after the cessation of administration of the drug.
But sometimes the cancellation can not be, and in this case it is possible to consult with the gynecologist and the use of special means for the hydration of the vaginal.
The lack of a prelude to sexual intercourse
The average of a woman to the full implementation requires 8-10, and sometimes even 15 minutes.
If the partner is in a hurry, the lubricant can additional simply don't have the time to easily create the right volume, and the vagina becomes "dry" after a short period of time after the beginning of the contact.
The solution of the problem
Discuss the preliminary issue with the partner. It so happens that the man in a hurry, as it fears that it may "not have time" until the full implementation of his partner.
In this case, perhaps, it would be advisable to consult andrologist or with the seller in a shop for the purchase of the funds (gel lubricant), allow you to delay the moment of orgasm.
Custom the sexual act
Everything that goes beyond the average, a sexual intercourse, can cause dryness of the vagina.
The list can be endless, for example: too active and prolonged contact with the partner, too hard penetration, the use of accessories that are emotionally and physically, and lead to a reduction of libido of a woman, the particular psychological situation the reluctance of women to conduct sexual intercourse at this time, etc.
The solution of the problem
And in this case it is necessary the involvement of the sexual partner. If the woman is not at standard conditions of the sexual contact is satisfied, it is possible to use in lubricants — lubricating artificial.
Reaction to hygiene products
Apparently, the more pure the better? Not surprisingly, the vagina, which represents an ecological niche for a wide variety of bacteria and fungi. Are normal, all of these micro-organisms that populate the vagina and maintain an acidic ph.
If you exaggerate with the hygiene, containing components, antibacterials (triclosan, for example), then you can destroy all microflora: and harmful, and the country of his birth useful. And ' drying out the mucous, stops the production of vaginal secretion.
The solution of the problem

How to wash just normal with warm water, making use of special means with antibacterial components. Their use is permitted, on the recommendation of the physician, in accordance with the same the body lacks to the most common procedures of water.
If, instead, it is necessary to use similar means, must be marked "hypoallergenic" and have a ph in the range of 3.8 to 4.5, not more. Alkaline the funds with a high ph (soap, lotions) to apply is not necessary. By the way, withering effect vaginal douching shower and swimming courses in the swimming pool with the chlorine.
Bad habits
Smoking negatively affects the blood vessels and, therefore, leads to a deterioration of the vasculature of all the organs of the body, including the pelvic organs. The practice shows that after a couple of months after quitting smoking, the problem of vaginal dryness disappears. Negative impact, and the alcohol, which, as we have written above, favors the dehydration.
The solution of the problem
If a woman knows that she can experience a lack of lubrication during sexual intercourse, it is best to first of this, do not drink alcohol and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. It is possible, of course.
In some diseases and conditions, also a lack of vaginal lubrication:
After the removal of the ovaries reduces the level of estrogen produced, and, as a consequence, a reduction of the volumes of production of vaginal fluid. In Sjogren's syndrome develops an autoimmune disease the defeat of the connective tissue.
When breaks occur in various glands of secretion external, including those who are involved in the production of vaginal secretion. In these patients, the dryness celebrated not only in the mouth, in the nose, but on the skin and in the vagina.
- On the background of the treatment of cancer in radiotherapy techniques and chemotherapy.
- For the endometriosis.
- Disorders of the menstrual cycle, for any reason.
- On the background of inflammatory processes in the area of the vagina and of the urethra.
- An allergic reaction to latex and other tools for the prevention of pregnancy and infections to make love, including spermicides.
The solution of the problem
In the presence of disease of every kind, that may be the cause of vaginal dryness should discuss this problem with your doctor. In any case, worth trying to fix it yourself. The disease limits the choice and can be the cause of reactions on this or that instrument humidification.